Digital Foundry Says Wii U Has The Definitive Next Gen Version Of Rayman Legends

My Nintendo News

Rayman Legends has just been re-released for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 with uncompressed textures, but Digital Foundry believes that the Wii U version of the game is the definitive one. The publication simply says that the game was built from the ground up on the Wii U taking full advantage of the system’s GamePad. Therefore the Wii U delivers the experience that the developers originally intended.

All of which leads us up to an interesting conclusion. Despite the enormous leap in power the new consoles represent, in our opinion it’s the Wii U version of Rayman Legends that remains the definitive edition of the game, with the title taking advantage of the GamePad’s unique features in ways that genuinely add variety and more fun to the gameplay. Let’s not forget that while this game may have been ported to a vast range of different hardware platforms, it started out…

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